
I like zoning out and engaging with my daydreams, so it felt natural to name this space after this hobby of mine. I hope you like zoning out too.

I’m from Stockholm, but live in London. Before that, I spent months in Barcelona, Buenos Aires, and on a horse farm in the middle of Australia without wifi. I recently left TikTok where I worked with policy, meaning deciding what good and bad look like. Used to be in VC, and people treated me like a famous person. I am a wedding photographer. I write poems, lots of poems. I love all things internet, mostly because of the cultural revolution that is happening because of it. I am interested in web3, but not because of the reasons you probably think I am interested in web3. I am very interested in languages and how they reflect cultures so well. I spend a lot of time thinking about love.

Zoning out is a space to write about all the things that feel urgent, like love, and making sense of things, why web3 doesn’t make sense, and why it does. How content moderation works and why writing policy is hard. This is a space to write about all the things that feel urgent, such as the words you spoke when we had lunch that day in Spain, or how working for TikTok taught me what scale means.

sorry for the grammar errors

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70% life's big questions, 30% tech policy and internet


swedish wedding photographer & aspiring poet working in online safety/privacy